‘Heart-Centered Youth Leadership Program’ un gran exito!

Heart Centered Leadership Foundation (HCLF) ta wak bek cu un sentido di gratitud y satisfaccion pa por a contribui un biaha mas pa un experiencia transformacional y positivo pa hobennan na Aruba. Siman pasa 27 hobennan a participa den e ‘Youth Leadership Program’ inspiracional di HCLF, cu a tuma lugar 4 dianan largo na e bunita sala di conferencia di Santa Teresita Center na San Nicolas.

E fundador/director y project lider, Siouxsie Kock, a comparti cu nos cu e mission di HCLF ta pa crea lidernan nobo pa mayan cu ta traha for di nan curazon. Siouxsie ta splika nos cu lidernan no ta djis hendenan cu un funcion formal di liderasgo, pero tambe hendenan regular manera maestronan, polis, mayornan y tambe hobennan cu kier biba nan bida mas conscientamente. Siouxsie ta kere fielmente cu si nos traha for di nos curazon, cu nos lo ta hende cu mas consideracion, compassion y cuida otro y nos medio ambiente mas mihor, tumando responsabilidad pa nos bida y e decisionnan cu nos ta tuma den nos bida.

E ‘Youth Leadership’ programa a wordo facilita dor di Insight Seminars®. Facilitador, Alicia Stephany di e region di Venezuela y Colombia, ta splika cu Insight ta un training educativo cu ta designa pa sostené hende pa haya hermentnan cu ta yuda nan biba un bida cu passion hacienda locual cu nan ta stima. Participantenan ta siña con pa haci lo ultimo cu locual nan tin. Nan ta siña pa haci mas cu locual cu ta traha pa nan mientras tambe check e areanan cu no ta bay manera nan lo desea. Nan ta siña di ta mas reflectivo y wak paden prome na e cosnan cu no ta bayendo bon den na bida y tuma responsabilidad pa esey. E meta ta pa yuda crece hobennan cu ta para responsabel pa crea e resultadonan cu nan lo desea den nan bida.

Como un boluntario di HCLF, mi tabata tin e chens pa wak e grupo di hobennan e prome dia durante registracion y despues atrobe e di 4 dia durante nan graduacion di e programa. E prome dia ora nan a yega, nan tur tabata mustra un tiki timido, no hopi sigur y basta riba nan mes. Riba e di cuater dia, ora mi a wak nan atrobe, bo por wak y sinti henter un cambio den nan. Cada un tabata briya di alegria, conneccion, speranza, curashi y felicidad. Nan tabata sinti hopi mas presente den nan propio curpa y tambe nan tabata mustra mas autentico.

E seminario no por a bira un realidad, menos un exito, si e no tabata pa e sponsornan y tambe hopi boluntarionan di e ‘Heart Centered Youth Leadership’ programa. HCLF ta expresa nan gratitude hopi grandi pa e sponsornan di WEB, SUBWAY, KIWANIS ARUBA, QUOTA CLUB, COMPRA, CAVELIER LOGISTICS, ALBO ARUBA N.V., y FRASA y tambe hopi sponsornan priva. Tambe, si e no tabata pa e dedicacion di e team di HCLF, bou guia di Siouxsie Kock y HCLF project coordinator, Keyla Rojas, prome, durante y despues cu e seminario y tambe e boluntarionan cu a yuda assisti den e proceso di e seminario pa henter e cuater dianan, e evenemento no lo entregá e resultadonan exitoso cu e a logra awo.

Pa capta e experiencia cu e hobennan tabata tin durante e ‘Youth Leadership Program’ mas mihor, mi tabata tin e privilegio pa papia cu siete (7) die e participantenan y un (1) di e assistentenan unda nan a comparti nan experiencia personal. Mi no por a pensa un manera mas mihor di honra e transformacion interno di e participantenan, pa laga nan expresa nan experiencia den nan propio palabranan, cual ta den e siguinte paragraf. (Por fabor, tuma nota si cu nos a duna e hobennan e libertad pa expresa nan mes den cualkier idioma tabata sinti mas mihor pa nan….)

“ My mom did Insight and it helped her a lot, so she suggested that my sister and I come. The first day was really strange. It was about getting out of your comfort zone. But soon after everything changed and it truly made a difference for me. I learned a lot about myself and feeling better about myself. One thing I’ll do differently going forward is that I’ll speak my mind more. Not be afraid to say how I feel. My message to other young people is ‘come and be part of one of these seminars. Trust me it will be the best experience you’ll have ever had’ ”. —Jonathan Croes.

“ Mi ‘experience’ tabata hopi educativo. Mi ta un volunteer pa HCLF y Siouxsie y Keyla a ‘encourage’ mi pa bin. Mi a siña hopi di e seminar. E ‘experience’ tabata hopi ‘encouraging’ pa ‘increase’ bo ‘self-growth and being more mindful’. E no tabata nobo pa mi pasobra mi a hay’e na skol. Mi ta ‘encourage’ otro hende pa bin pasobra e ta cambia bo manera personal y bo ta ‘improve’ hopi con bo ta stima bo mes. Y pa bo stima otro, bo mester stima bo mes prome. Tur cos no ta perfecto y semper tin ‘room for improvement’. Lo ta great si e facilitador por papia Papiamento. Den Insight bo ta siña con pa sali for di bo ‘comfort zone’. Pero no tur mucha por sali for di nan ‘comfort zone’ den 4 dia asina facil. Tin cu por pero otro no. Ami a siña hopi. E tabata un ‘amazing experience’ pa mi. Mi tin mas ‘knowledge’ riba e tema di ‘self-growth’. Un cos cu mi ta tuma cu mi, ta ‘being able to be confident’ y wak tur e ‘qualities’ mi tin den mi ‘and bring those to light and sharing it with others’ ”. —Julien Duran

“ Mi motivacion pa bin ta cu mi a haci Insight kaba ora mi tabata mas jong. Pero mi no ta korda hopi mas. Awo cu mi ta mas grandi, mi a dicidi pa bin wak toch ki tipsnan e ‘Teen Insight’ por duna mi, dor cu mi ta 25 aña, pues mi ta un tiki mas grandi cu un teen. Dus mi a bin djis pa haya tips den mi ‘personal and emotional life’. Pero locual cu mi a ‘get out of it’ tabata hopi mas. Nan ta confrontabo cu bo mesun refleho di bo spiel. Esey ta un chens cu bo no por skond’ie, bo no por core bay. Bo no por pick cosnan di trabou, di skol of actividadnan diario. Dus bo ta echt ‘confronted with your true self and learn to be aware of it’. Pues bo ta ‘come to terms with things that were and’ kiko bo por hasi awor aki pa bo cambia nan, of con bo ta mas OK cu e persona cu bo ta awor aki. Dus esey ta loke Insight a duna mi tur e 4 dianan aki. ‘The one BIG thing I take away from the seminar is’ cu riba mundo tur cos ta cambia, antobra hende ta bin y hende ta bay. E cos mas importante ta ‘to live in the moment’. No wanta nada pasobra hopi biaha bo ta ‘regret’ e cu bo no a haya chens ‘toentertijd’ pa laga un hende sa con bo ta sinti. ” — Tatiana Peña

“ My motivation to come here was that my cousin who had experienced it before in October, said to me ‘you’re going to the next one’. I came and find it a really good experience. If you get the chance to do it, do it. It allowed me to awaken inside who I really am. I think everyone should have this experience because it really helps you with your everyday life. You really get to know who you really are and how to relate to others. Over here you can get it all out. The team is here to help and support you and motivate you to do what’s right. So I would tell other teens to come like I have. ” — Roy Howell

“ The reason I came here was I did not want to spend the whole summer at home. I am really glad that I came. I learned many new things. Some things that I already touched with my mom. I really liked that everything that happened here stays here. I learned that it’s OK to be who you are. To be yourself, regardless of what other people might think or say about you and that you should live your life the way you want to, always seeking happiness before you seek material things like cars, etc. Seek love before you seek a boyfriend. You must love yourself first before you can love others. And things that you learn, that you practice them in real life, even if they are really small things. Like for example, I learned here that every night before I go to bed, I can say 10 things I really want, like for example, ‘I want to lose weight’. The biggest thing I take away is to be more mindful and focus on positive things, like I want happiness, I want love, I want to love me more, I want to go out more and then you actually do these things because you safe them. ” — Uchenna Eugene

“ Mi a bin dor di mi conoce un di assistantsnan cu a bay Insight. E la tum’e na Colombia. Antroba e la echt ‘change su perspective’ den bida y mi por a wak echt un ‘change’ den dje. Antobra, mi a dicidi pa bin, pero mi no tabata ta sa echt kiko pa expect. Dus mi a dicidi pa djis ‘go with the flow’. E prome dia tabata un tiki differente, dus no echt ‘as emotional as’ e di dos, di tres dia y awe cu ta falta ainda. Mi ta kere e di tres dia tabata mas ‘emotionally draining’ pa mi, unda bo ta siña ‘bijvoorbeeld dat’ e ta OK ‘to ask for help’. Cosnan cu hopi biaha bo ta hinca den bo mente cu ‘no, people are going to judge me,’ pero ‘instead’ si bo djis puntra ‘for help’ bo ta wak cu ‘it’s ok’ pa puntra…niun hende no ta bay ‘judge’ bo pasobra bo ta bay sigui bay dilanti. Pero si bo no ta puntra, bo por ‘get stuck’ y keda pega eynan djis pasobra bo ta ‘embarrassed’ pa puntra un pregunta. Y esey no ta e manera pa sigui bay dilante. Manera ami mes no ta gusta puntra hende pa ayudo. Mi ta gusta ‘figure things out in my life on my own, but it’s fine to ask questions’. Mi tambe a siña pa ‘let go’. ‘Your past does not define you’. Hopi cos di Insight ta cos cu bo ta ‘aware’ di dje, pero dor di bin Insight, bo ta manera ‘realize it…do it’. Tin biaha, mi sa cu mi no ta ‘supposed’ di worry kiko hende nan opinion ta di mi. Pero toch mi ta hacie. Pero aki nan ta bay mas diep den ‘no worry, dus why you shouldn’t. You’re bringing yourself down. You’re letting yourself go.’ Anto esey no ta e point tampoco. ” — Dyline Berg

“ Mi experencia ta cu ‘at first’ bo no ta kere cu e ta ‘do something’. Bo ta kere cu nan ta bay papia cosnan pero e no ta bay echt ‘do something’. Pero e no ta locual cu bo ta ‘expect at all’. E ta splika bo pa bo wak bo curazon hopi. Manera ayera mes. Ora ami cu mi prima a bay, nos a drenta un supermercado anto bo ta sinti manera asina contento cu mi a pasa ban’ di un señora y mi ta gewoon smile na dje. Ta algo cu mi nunca ta haci. Nunca den mi bida. Mi ta kere e actividadnan cu bo ta haci ta ‘open’ bo. E actividadnan cu nos a haci a echt yuda mi pa ‘let things go, let it out’. Y mi ta sinti esey echt a haci un diferencia grandi pa mi. ” — Caitlyn Rojer

Al fin, un di e boluntarionan cu a assisti den e seminario, naci na Aruba y bibando awor na Merca, ta comparti su storia y experiencia cu e seminario.

“ Right now I am in a part of my life that I want to give back to something that gave so much to me, so that’s why I am assisting in the Insight seminars often. Self-development for me is so important because I am a cancer survivor and I have had cancer three times in my life. I have been through everything. I have been anorexic, I’ve self-harmed, I’ve been suicidal. I’ve been through it all. As a person growing, I went through a lot and I am only 20 years old now. My parents were investing a lot of money in a psychiatrist and a psychologist, but everything stopped when I did my first Insight. I used to be someone that was messed up, both mentally and emotionally. No matter what was invested in me in seeing all these doctors and psychologists, did for me what Insight did for me. It just took one seminar and it changed my life completely. I have been such a different woman since then. I am inspired by the work Siouxsie does. I see how hard she tries and I see how difficult it is to even organize a small group. People don’t realize enough, I think, the importance of self-development. They don’t want to invest in that. We won’t think twice about buying a USD 400 carnival costume, but we won’t pay to invest in something that can change our lives. Insight changed my life. I am someone who can show you my scars, my battles and you could see the pain in my eyes. But right now, I am such a confident woman and I am living my life to the fullest and really have my ‘stuff’ together. That’s why I have the vision for Aruba, because it’s a small island. I want to become a facilitator myself. That’s why I am becoming a psychologist. I see myself coming back to Aruba and giving back as much as possible. I think it’s important that a facilitator understands the culture and knows their language, because it can be very difficult for someone to open up and Aruba needs someone that can speak their language and connect with them at a deeper level. I see myself coming back to Aruba, probably not living here, because I want to be of service to the world, but coming back to Aruba, investing in the community and giving back. ” — Miah Muyale

HCLF lo continua nan interaccion cu e grupo pa maximalisa resultadonan sustenibel. HCLF tambe ta ofrece hobennan oportunidadnan pa follow up pa medio di nan ‘Aruba Youth Impact platform,’ cual ta un plataforma basa riba e Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) cu ta dedica su mes pa yuda crea ‘young change makers’ na Aruba dor di sostene hobennan pa skucha nan curazon y involvi nan mes den communidad y sea e cambio locual nan lo desea di wak den mundo. HCLF tambe ta ofrece skolnan programanan di ‘Heart-Centered Education’, cual ta inclui sessionnan di ‘The Power Within Me’, Afterschool Programs, ‘Making The Best of Me’ curriculum pa studiante y nan mentor, y e ACE (Achievement and Commitment to Excellence) programa cual ta en collaboracion cu EduCare Foundation in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation ta mira nan mes trahando hunto cu otronan, pa asina haci nos isla Aruba mihor y mihor….cuminzando cu e hobennan. Pa mas informacion riba HCLF, e programanan di ‘The Power Within Me’ of otro programa, por yama nan libermente na +(297) 584-1211 or +(297) 594-1211, email them on [email protected] of [email protected]. Por follow nan riba Facebook @ HCLFoundationAruba y @ArubaYouthImpact. Por twitter nan @HCLFAruba.